im feeling the staying in depression just now....all my mates are away to the carling academy or the arches :( oh well, i should just think of...
im from a place called paisley in scotland, 15 mins from glasgow city centre...5 mins from the airport :)
so why arent you out on a saturday night then? i didnt get home from work til ten, and ive been asked to work overtime tommorrow...saving my...
i know this sounds strange but ive got a chewing gum phobia! i cant stand the site of a chewed piece lying in an ashtray or something, or when...
if i was off on the sick then id sleep sleep sleep! had 6 wks off in the summer, it was amazing! its all about going to loch lomond when its...
was good to see a few of u again :) craigy - u are the ultimate munter, remember me and you trying to get the vip bands on??? thought i was...
Thanks everyone! ive been celebrating my birthday since wedensday lol! ill see all of you that are coming up in the pub before the arches. theres...
where in scotland have u moved to??? yoji meet up pics :D *the memories*
yeah claire posted pics up in the photos section after the meet up. theyre in the my photo's section somewhere.
are u going back to claires afterwards? i dont reckon ill be going as she stays miles away from me, im planning to drink only so ill prob want...
good stuff, im really looking forward to it, theres 21 of us going out for a meal beforehand,so we'll have been drinking for quite a while....what...
Jimmy are u coming up here for tiesto??
That was the one i went to. what a brilliant nite! :)
i take it the ikon in newc is as bad as the one here then? i live 10 mins from it, we went a few wks ago to simply laugh at the neds,one of them...
or we could just dingy inside out? to be honest i wouldnt mind doing that if i was spending the weekend in newcastle.
well me and stevie were planning to go, but it would prob be more fun if the crew went :) i could be up for promise in feb,as long as its a...
Im hoping to do the telewest again this year,as long as it doesnt clash with my pal playing inside out.If gods do another scotland event ill be at...
claire i maybe try get out and visit u at one point for a few days, if im not too skint from getting our flat, it'd probably be end of season,same...
shopping, getting UTTERLY mad with it!, shopping, spending money,shopping, spending all day in bed ;) and sleep!
Separate names with a comma.