The Arches didnt get burnt down, it was a wee pub round the corner on wellington street called the arches or the archers bar,or something! as...
Me and my other half in ibiza last month :) want to go back!!!!!!!!!:love:
Not posted on here for AGES! Im coming down for this, cannot bloody wait! getting out the cyber as well for it! Has to be done! :)
Me and my other half have both tried to stop it in on numerous always gives in though, then the other one follows!
Bed for the nite? whattttttttttttttttttttttttttt! U planning on sleeping or something! :p
Its £40 for a ticket, but theres means and ways of getting cheaper ones. Got mine via the slam board for £25. Tbh im not really into the dj's...
Aye i know andy, should be alrite then. Are u going to see him play? im sure hes on first on the outdoor stage thingy so if u dont get in there...
As far as i know its not sold out, who did u get the glist through??? Dunno about actually paying in at the door, but apparently people were...
Coloursfest on saturday Sooooooooooooooooo Anyone from here coming up to visit me and claire this weekend? (or to re-word it, coming to...
I just finally left T-mobile after 3 years of hell working for them (uo in greenock though!!!) started with phones4u now, heres hoping thats a...
Starting work with phones4u....Staying at the Quality hotel in sunderland, have been asked to bring with me all sorts of mad shit like tennis...
cheers, just wanted to know so ive got enough cash on me, i can claim expenses anyway :) Not looking forward to the train journey, would...
glasgow/newc and back!!! Hiya Just wanted to know a few things :) that might seem a bit silly to all of you but ive not been down Newc way a...
Hi im lorraine (23) and havent posted on here in AGES!!!! Live near Glasgow up in scotland and have been down to promise once (loved it!). Happen...
Re: Interview Hell Snap!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im also wanting to leave T-mobile....about to hand in my notice....need another job to go to though!!! :(
I was through in edinburgh the other week, went to a place called 'the basement' was pretty damn good! didnt stay through all day though so...
happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :groovy:
weve not got any snow at all! its been absolutely freezing but really bright. ive been going to work with all wrapped up, looking like a trainspotter!
its so strange we havent got it up here yet! im just waiting on it'll come and probably with a vengance!:( im starting driving...
aye actually u do! but yours seems valid enough, so ill let u pass :p
Separate names with a comma.