gay men do stare at other men dont they? i wouldnt want a pub full of gay men staring at me if was on my own.
Exactly i wouldnt want to go into a bar by myself that is full of gays. I would feel so out of place and uncomfortable that i would have to...
Total Bolloks! The team HE has BUILT is going to go down as the worst in Prem League History. Not one home win all season says it all. Yes i...
he had to go, done well to get us promoted but he aint a prem league manager and his record speaks for itself. Still though the underlying...
Thats cos u know ur good looking.
i bet theres so many lads giving her attention and flattering comments this wont bother her one bit so i dont think it is overstepping the mark.
Re: Re: Re: Pikey twats very stupid but still very unlucky. fooking scum.
Re: Pikey twats thats harsh, could u not of taken ur stereo out?
go and wank yourself silly behind a tree mate! listen if shes got the arse and is confident enough to get these pictures done shes got to take...
theres a big need.
very nice, now cut it from the shoulders up.
Re: My Birthday party! where they on fat friends????
Re: I did a mix Of course you care, why post it on here? U want people to tell you how good the tunes are and how good ur mixing is so...
not yet.:)
just stating the obvious, shame no 1 else has got the arse to do so. U all must be the same, retarded clubbers still stuck in the year 2000...
Re: Re: Re: Passions Birthday! dont apologise, just cut down on the drugs, look after ur skin and eat some food.:D
the photos are shite, none of the club, lights, djs etc.
Re: Passions Birthday! what a bunch of ugly mother hookers u are!
Separate names with a comma.