Roo, this made me roar boy! So this ones for you.xx No Roo, neva had seen it B4, but it made me laugh so I decided to share it wiv every1....
Ok mate point taken. I have a habbit of dictating peoples opinions to them, and this time fuckt up. Addmittedly I would never say AVB style is as...
Ruth, this may sound like a bone question, but evil in a bad or good way. Sorry, I'm having trouble even understanding what I'm talking about today!:(
Try E-bay, or get them from abroad, but for fookssakes don't pay full UK spec money. Overpriced. The price way pay for a National Health Service...
Hello. You'll change your mind on the poppers, any way, it's more like a funny throbbing than a headache. Some people are a bit wet. It's the only...
Nearly new - they nicked then? Second-hand TT's and a questionable mixer. Ehm, £500 and youv'e still been had. Like the boy says, you can get...
Tears from the moon - can't remember who it's by. Scott Bond droped it in Frisky, a wee place in Northampton. I'm not the crying type, but fuck...
Yeah it was funny, but not that side splitting funny, best bits were how he carried the old stuff through and added to it, -bit about cheesecake...
Please find above ammended copy of a prevoius message. Yeah, I still look a twat:blush:, but I thought I had to make some kind of an effort, so I...
Was also there for Eddie's debut, only had to depart 15 min into his set. Was well gutted. Atleast I shook his hand, I was as excited as a 10yr...
Lee, fuckt up me reply to that last one. Now a new thread entitled 'Yeah m8 your only right,' or some 'ting along those lines. Can't be arsed...
Yep - that was ment in reply of GeordieLee's - I couldn't be done with that - in response to my ex-girlfriend. Oh well, I was gonna sort it out,...
Yes M8, your only right. Yeah m8, that's like one of the reason we split up. I'd be dancing away all night:wiggle:, and she'd be just be getting...
And I feel like I've made a friend. Yay.:clap:
Got the other Yoji CD, Music For A Harder Generation released on Tidy. I think the only track I recognise off the new album on that is hardstyle...
Promise ever - was last year would have to be John Kelly at the b/day celebration pt 1. He was much awsome. For me any wez. Quality - last year...
Was in bed, in a tent in Al Basrah, Iraq. Was listening to Tidy's Resonate 3. The last thing I can remember was a warm glowing feeling as K90:I...
Ibiza is calling. Last year I couldn't go cos ov work, no shocks there then. Any wez, I was 'sposed to be going with me ex-girlfriend, barrel of...
About the Avtar Well you see, Nass, the crack is wasn't 'sposed to end up in there, only I was in a rush and kinda fuckt it up. Sorry. But...
xPx - I so can't believe you nicked me disco duck And you thought you'd get away wiv it! Can't use that as your Avtar, cos it's MY disco...
Separate names with a comma.