good man, cheers for the advice! i'll bear that in mind:wink:
i hope so smigs! dont you worry, when i get a decent job out of it all, i'll share the wealth!:p thats IF i can get a job after all this! lol:lol:
cheers mate, i mite see if i can source some tomorrow in belfast! shouldnt be too hard like seein as theres no smoke goin round, im bettin...
i suppose youre sittin there in your slippers with a nice hot cup of horlicks too!:p
dont get me wrong mate, i do enjoy it most of the time, its just been pissing me off lately cos im the only one out of all my mates who is still a...
sounds like a plan if your into that sort of thing but thankfully my arse is a one way system only, and that traffic flow goes OUT not in.:D
yeah, come on! get the dodgy photos out!:D
fuck no, patches are for pussies! i do it the hardcore cold turkey way! excuse me if im bein stupid but how the feck are bananas gonna help me!?
fucking coursework! anyone else studying at uni/college? im in my final year at college and at the minute all my life seems to consist of is...
ive already tried to explain that to him smigs. to be honest im sorry i even got involved. like i said, ive apologised for making a nasty...
youre all a bunch of judgemental bastards! i love it!:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
go as a tramp:) just get yourself into a charity shop sometime during the week and buy the shittiest clothes you can, and bobs your uncle! im...
oh and for the record...any of the detox lot who i do know (smigz, tigger, kelkay, slash, fidds & soooooooz) are so NOT racist in any way, i think...
FUCK SAKE! ive read a few of your posts on here joe that have included me as one of the racists in the detox lot, so let me just get a few...
seriously dude, i get the picture that you dont like me. big deal, i dont know you, i dont want to know you and im sure its the same vice versa so...
im actually doing a big fuck off essay on graffiti (not quite a dissertation) for my graphical culture and history of art module. through doing my...
whats that brown stuff on his nose!? did someone give him a dirty sanchez?:o
lovin the pics young steven! have to say...some of your mates are fit as fuck!:o
agreed completely, alkan is the daddy! the only other person ive seen live who can fuck a track up live like alkan and still make it sound good...
cheers, glad you like it! if youre into mark eg, ther'll be something more along those lines for my next mix im uploading :D
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