me and scott with Mark from altern 8:D rave moment or what!
scott pullin a bit of a popeye gurn...:cool2:
me and my friend jemma. hadnt seen her in about 4 years then i randomly met her in shine which was a nice suprise!:D
me and scott. bit of a mess by this stage but thankfully didnt look it!:angel:
i THINK its either someone from tiefschwarz or MANDY in this one. mind is a bit of a blank to be honest lol:lol: :groovy:
two randoms....i think the girl told me she came over from england though. any of you know her? lol
keith and scott
scott and scott
Mark from Altern 8 on the decks
shine's 11th birthday, altern 8, goldie, phil kieran, tiefschwarz and MANDY such a good night last night folks, probably one of the best ive had...
mick sweetiepie, i actually rate this mix better than the audiojack one and thats saying something mate! all i can say is hurry up and get a...
my ex bought me a day at a rally school from that buyagift place back in my for my 21st, and i still havent used it. i felt like a rite sneaky...
i'd still smoke em in my 06 megane :D
fuck me, that looks amazing!!:o is it all hardcore and gabba? if so, tell me when the next one is and i'll take a trip over! the facepaint...
lol-aye i told kelly that i got proper tattoos done so that when she looked at these pics she'd think they were easily...
this tune is a full WEAPON! alkan played it at oxygen this year and it completely wrecked the place!:D
my weekend beats all of yours put together :p FRIDAY - GET PAID (been lookin forward to this for the past 3 weeks!), go get my hair did, go to...
hahaha:lol: bless her! i had my mum fooled for a while that they were real too, she proper fell out with me until i showed her that i could take...
cheers folks, glad yous like the pics lol! gary obviously has no shame wearing that mask, he knows i fucking HATE gimp masks too, theyre just...
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