:D :D :D :D :D Winding you up dude. Your mate James can be catching my mouse, whilst i am showing you my celling, the paint work is CRACKing. :D...
Lee i am no better than the local fishmonger at the fair. Out of context dude.
Cheers Jimbo, that package addresed to James and Millie has been despatched. Over and out.
Stop trying to kick things off again Lee mate. :D :D :D :D
Re: My mobile Phew, only when me and Commando51 are in need of Dial a Drinks number will we use it. * scribble scribble *
Up shit creak there dude. 2 Grand:D :D :D
Roger over and out. So thats a date then. 24th Sept. i dont normally do this, but go on then, just this once, you can share my bed, but your...
Yeah i will dude:D :D :D
Peice of piss * Rolls sleeves up * Come on if you think your short enough. I have a pair of glasses in my back pocket and i'm not afraid to use them.
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D Sorry abaaaht that thing the other day.:D :D
What Rachel said.
I got four.
That means alot dude aswell:D :D :D :D Cock Sandy same aswll dude.
Cheers Dude. That means alot mate:) :) :)
A OK - Coast is clear My mam has just telephoned HQ, and she hasent got it, for all of you who know what i am on abaaaat, phew glad as fuck. To...
:D :D :D :D :D :D Just doing that Jonny Wilkinson/ David Beckham thing. BALL - OVER - BAR.
AAHHHHHH, Got ya. So thats were i've been going wrong.
:D :D :D :D And bermuda shorts.
We have some class banter going on, i like him dude. POST - THINK, yeah i see were ya going with that. POST - THINK. Sounds like a plan.
ffs Jimbo, cool ya jets man. I am leaving him alone dude. I tried to delete the thread right after i posted it, but it wont let me.
Separate names with a comma.