a bit of sarcasm brightens the day up though
well you are certainly entitled to an opinion mate just boils my piss that people dont stop going on about it after all this time. might i add...
oh and while we are on about atmosphere in digital. the debate about droping the booth to a lower level will go on for ever but Ive seen some...
it was a joke gary aimed not just at you but the hoards of people who come out with the same sort of coment every other week. probably the same...
hey gary maybe when the northern rock finish turning it in to office space you can go and dance to music they have in their elevator......just for...
still working on it but expect him this summer
shindig NYE midnight video clip not sure if anyone has put this clip of midnight on NYE @ shindig yet...
ive tried but i cant
listings will be on the site after the weekend
cunt i dont know how to change it
i played all oldies from riverside and foundation for warm up and then again last hour. the last few things i played were palmrich - gotta...
scooby the sneaky bastard has changed my avatar
shindig residents bash Hope some of you can make it down to our residents bash this saturday. Traditionally this is one of the highlights of...
silly avatar coming up methinks :lol:
oops this is scooby by the way, but the office computer has me logged in as scott!! ha ha.. right who can I abuse
lol.. yeah by time it gets down there by donkey it can change a lot
sold out last night people
theres less than 200 tickets left so best get em quick
the 1st track i payed after the incident was our lexicon avenue mix of dylan rhymes "coming clean"
"I absolutely love shindig and would rather not let people like that spoil the night" your right why let 1 dick head spoil things. i was so...
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