Typical! i just got totally soaked with hailstoney snow which only started as I left the gym :( Im sure it'll of stopped now Im in the house too
Oh sorry, I didnt see that thread :redface: Thanks tho :p
:lol: Oh well! It was meant to help him get nominated for an Oscar?! He's still fit tho, worth a watch just for that :p But shame its poop :(
Pleeeeease dont put the Sport back in here :( Theres too much of it too. And people only complain about the TV and Films when its posted in here....
Primark rocks tbf. Some of it is a bit crap, like crappy cotton and really bad styles, but then some of the designer stuff is too. I couldnt live...
That photo is pretty horrific! :sick: Its always totally gross when you walk past someone and theyre soaked with sweat and their tops off....
Babel Has anyone seen this yet? Is it good? Im gutted cos it was only on for like one week at my cinema and Ive missed it now. :( Bummer.
I was so surprised at this! Do we know how she died yet? Seems such a shame, so soon after having a baby. The poor thing :( At least she'll have...
Happy Birthday :)
Good stuff, cheers!
:lol: :lol: :redface: Dont forget to speak to Pike.
Looks like you all had a fab time! :D Some well funny ones.
Need you ask??? Party on. :D What else is on this Saturday? Have you spoke to Pike? Can you remind him its this Saturday and he owes me 12 quid?...
:lol: Sounds nice! Mine defo arent off clothes cos I only wear a vest. I havent had any this week actually. :)
I missed episode two like. Dont think Im gonna bother with it til reviews start to improve. Its not really worth staying up for
The snow looks pretty but its a nightmare in trying to get to work, or just generally driving about :(
Yeah Im sure I did. Does that mean I wont get them?? :D
Re: Re: Mumps I would imagine so. I dont want hamster cheeks :( *edit* I dont get paid for sick days yet tho :(
Mumps The girl I sit next to is off with Mumps :( Shit. Isnt this really contagious? I really dont want mumps. Im paranoid now as well. I thought...
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