Cheers Everyone :D :love:
Im gonna be out for this Whallippp! :funky:
Yeah keep me one back if you dont mind? :D Aye send that list on please. Will have a look and let you know if i want anythiing :D :cool:
Chris Can you get me a copy of this? Does it have the Beyer mix on it?
Happy Birthday :up:
Happy Birthday mate :up:
Gosforth is where it is at :cool: :D :lol:
Yeah i will Should get something sorted out :up:
yeah i know its been a while. I dont think i can remember the last time when i saw you lot? :(
Fuck off you cunt :D
The last two Coocoon cds have been quality :D :love:
Copa Mondials :up: :cool2:
I never thought Fergie would ever play shindig. Seen him a few times and has been quite good Dont know what sorta stuff he plays now?...
1. I never said you were? 2. Can you actually read?
Oh well least psycaholic hasnt got Shit Crack..
Just got Emerson - Singapore Seaman - Melbourne Tengalia - Athens Tegalia cd is quality :D Any others which are good? Might go back...
I used to play for them but then went to play for lochside :lol: Who was that other bloke who used to run it and his son was a keeper and he...
That Sezer (sp) is a complete bell end :lol:
Hahaha Was thinking the same thing :lol: "Proper dirty house man" :lol:
Separate names with a comma.