A deserted beach or the Maldives lying in a hammock in the sun with a huge cocktail in my hand and listening to my tunes on my Ipod.
This got posted months ago. Still freaks me out. :o :o :confused: :( What are they doing to that poor lass ????
I'm looking forward for my new leather sofas comming to my new flat. Two more weeks. My Brother comming home from the Army for Christmas....
It's so not her voice. I bet she's got a really high pitched voice really.
The metros I got stuck in Gateshead last night I had to get my dad to pick me up. And this morning the train I was on broke so I was late for...
I'm staying in I'm skint plus I feel like I'm comming down with flu. I've had a bannging headache and my muscles are aching.:(
Thanks but I'm just staying in (total party animal I am )!!!!
Fao everyone going to Gods Have a wicked time !!!!!. Wish I was going but I'm skint.
Sounds like it was a good dream. I dreamt that I was a party girl with Paris Hilton and Lindsey Lohan last night.:confused: . If I was a bloke...
The snowman. Still can't watch it now.:cry: :cry:
I cried at E.T too. Titanic.:redface:and Romeo and Juliet :redface: . I was going through a phase when Leo Dicaprio was fit as fuck.
Stuff what you need in either your bra or nicks. Then buy some poppers and put them in your bra the dog will detect something then when you tell...
I'm Mortified We've just had the Sky installed in our new flat but when the guy was tuning it in he was testing to see if the vcr was working and...
Shakin Stevens - 'Oh Julie'!!!!!!!!!. Jan 26th 1982 I also share a birthday with Eddie Van Halen. And Jazzie B from Soul II Soul. :wtf:
:o :lol:
My little bro used to run around with his thundercat sword and say Thunder, Thunder, Thunder Thundercats Ho !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Mint...
Winter coat. Cross trainer. Perfume. Possibly an engagement ring.!!
Doggy or me on top. I like to be in control.
I moved in my new flat on Friday and I rang them on Monday to sort mine. Turns out my address does not exist. ???? But there was loads of letters...
I've got a ham & cheese sandwich and there was loads of butter smeared in it. Yak !!!!!!
Separate names with a comma.