Nah I aint saying on here. Don't wanna cause another load of arguements. :lol:
Obviously the words of someone who's never seen my orbs :rolleyes: :D
ok form an orderly queue, theres enough to go round :lol:
I'm a bit disappointed by the fact that I've not been mentioned in this thread I'll have you know that I'm gorgeous (In a Cathy Burke kinda...
Just tell her that it was all innocent :angel: (I wont let on that you groped my tits ;) )
I love most people on this board :love: :love: :love: there are only one or two poeple I wanna chin when I meet them on the 4th :D
I don't hug avatar pinchers :p ...oh ok then [IMG]
Doubt it mate. I made this avatar up ;)
Not me. This saturday is all about Parlez-vous? :D
Re: Jay Jay is in Avatar Theif :lol: not just me then? I've been doing that too!
thanks thats a great offer :love: I'll let you know closer to the time whether we need to meet you though, it'll depend what times mine and...
ooh I wanna go there! Is it easy to find (considering I've only ever been into Newcastle about 5 times ever and don't have much of a clue about...
I may join a convert too. Sister TryHard*tidy :) sounds good to me
Re: 600 Iraqi troops have entered Jordon. :lol: you're gotta laugh...
Rufus Seems like Ian fancies you, so heres a tip... if you do fancy him, don't shag him straight away, he'll lose all respect for you and...
I reckon people don't actually like him that much all this is a cover up for people's real feelings you can't fool me ;)
No you're not! I started this bandwagon! It's got a few more miles in it yet!
1. What is your nickname? TryHard*tidyClaire, Crash and Gurn, Linda 2. What colour pants/skirt are you wearing right now Greyish blue 3....
just reading that made me ejaculate (in a female style) all over my monitor
Separate names with a comma.