Is that as in 'I'm the administartor, twisted administartor'?
Having some basic PC problems Firstly, my screen size is too big. And I don't mean the old ctl-run the mouse button down. How do I change my...
Still not working. I can get on other sites fine. Really odd.
Why can't I access UNN site down south? Every time I come down south I can't access the Northumbria Uni website. Anyone know why?
I'm sure something else is happening Friday....... Oh yeah, the World Cup! I've never been so keen to watch Germany vs Costa Rica! Why do I get so...
48 Hours To Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Until 11:13am Friday morning!
Sports Soccer is the only place for football boots. Dirt cheap! I get the Umbro ones every year or two. Barely £15. Much better than poxy Nike or...
Which new BMW? Z4?
Who sends around 50 texts per day? Only losers do!
Such simple advice yet the world is blind to it! Cheers!
Yeah! We saved the world from the evil terrorists! And I won't die! TEAM AMERICA
Just finished uni and me and the lady are looking to buy a sports car (so group 19/20). Was hoping there was a loophole somewhere to get my...
The Geordie boys couldn't watch the bill Instead we watched Boro lose four nil
How does car insurance work? Say you have two cars. You're fully comp on one. Are you third party on the other? Also, if you're fully comp on a...
It probably says made in Surrey on the back
Geordies should spell it 'haway' coz that's how they pronounce it!
Anyone done a masters or want to? How much do these babies set you back? Just got an email about one starting September. Looking at getting a...
I was going to start a similar thread. Lots of murders on the news in the last couple of weeks. There were 2 in Heaton and there was that...
Separate names with a comma.