Fuckin hell Laverty, Baldys quick off the mark n all that but that was an enthusiastic response! Credit crunch without a doubt... ...or the...
Aye well looking foward 2 this, and 2 seeing the new age lighting rig :D
Happy birthday Brid mate
Friday was quality - music was amazing from both Shwartz & Dietz and everyone in the place was crammed onto the dancefloor right to the end....
Proper fuckin buzz word n al that! - OH.OH - BAY.BAY!
Friday - Watching Damian Shwartz & Robert Dietz tear down China town at Jaunt (biased but acurate!) Saturday - Lots of carrying on Sunday -...
Fuckin sack off Brixton Estrago! Haha, yeah hopefully at least a few of us will be goin down on Sat - the lads from Square one that we did...
Loving bookies post modern spelling of psychedelic! get in son! Aye haha morgan and his lot, the only ones out of the housefull not 2 join in the...
The dene might be calling next Saturday if the weather stays like this!
Back aah the nettttttttttttttt
Looks good mate, downloading now Chad
Everything I've ever wittnessed you say is pure uninformed dribble
Blows a great film, you should read Bronsons book he's far from an idiot..
LSG is Oliver Lieb, must have been the Oliver Prime mix
It's deffinatly possative how WHQ opened their doors 2 third party promoters for the first time in God knows how long on a weekend night. That's a...
I suppose that's up 2 you Booky
Hah what a crease and what a night - they came back 2 ripon gardens and one of them was a propppper funny little fucker! haha
Those dawgs look pure evil! Fuck me!
Can't wait for this, wanted 2 see Dietz for ages and Shwartz is shit hot Heard nothing but good things about the breakout audio lads too.
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