I jus got a message to download the 'new version' of msn messenger & surprise surprise its exactly the same as the old one! :rolleyes:
I might go to sunrise seen as though its only down the rd from me :D but I dont like going out on sundays as I ave 2 be up at 6 am on the monday...
We took the kids to stockton riverside to see the display.. enjoyed it, even had a go on the ghost train in the fair that was there :rolleyes:...
I wanna do both but I aint got the cash.. its so near christmas n that :cry: But its crasher for me if I get the cash! Rank1 :love:
Hopefully they will all die at xmas :D ;)
1- 0 I think :cry:
Wot ya gonna call yerself then? ;)
We lost again......... :cry:
I dont agree with the rules myself, I think every1 shud be able to say wot they like as long as it isnt slagging off other board members or...
I wanna c these piccies :D
Fuck the geordies lol.. bout time boro won for a change! :D
Re: 1000 :d Awwwww theyre lovely :D :lol: @ kids hair though... those curtains.. quality! :cool:
Sitting in the house thread.. page 2 & 3!
If its not ok for people to slag me off why is si's post still there n mine deleted?! I never even started it! :rolleyes:
Re: excuse me but.... :lol: Neva knew I looked so good ;)
Ive only been posting on here for about a month, and ive only been to promise 4 times.. all of which have been good n ive met some really nice...
Agreed! :D
I replied to this once already n for some stupid reason it was deleted.. hmmm cant think why :rolleyes: It seems its ok for people to call...
Im full of cold so its another night in with my lemsips for me :cry:
Nah fraid not :D were u at the last sunrise?? answer the question ;)
Separate names with a comma.