Off to see Bourne Ultimatum in a bit, then the next four days will be spent in a field near leeds laughing at lightweight indie kids with stupid hats.
Aye i was abit sceptical like, but he said the auction was only in a small town in Somerset somewhere, he said everyone who was there didnt know...
Oh aye and the Silversun Pickups are canny. Dunno how long theyve been out but iv just found them.
The Kate Nash and Common albums are pretty good but their not really bands. Interpols is meant to be canny like. Pigeon Detectives? Not...
I dont just go around kicking dogs for a laugh you know?
In answer to your original question, yes they are real. A lad i know from school has just bought 3 cdj1000's, a behringer mixer and a fuck off...
So i should get done for assault?
Its ok about this, its amazing what a google search conjures up.
Re: Re: Re: Has anyone ? It lives down a back lane on the way to my nanas. The family who own it, just let it out in the backlane to go to...
Re: Has anyone ? Whats wrong with Gizmo? My Staffs called Gizmo. And Shar Peis are hardly fighting dogs like. On a similar note, i...
Iv got one of these bad boys for sale.
Cheers very much :D
Sendies? Iv only got everlong :(
Finally, someone as cool as me! :cool2:
Dick. :lol:
Common - Finding Forever This album is awesome like. Only wish id found it before the sun had disappeared. :love:
twas the one Dave Grohl played at the beginning when he was on his billy.
Not really a sporty person But id play this fucker
Not a tune like but its music. Radio One Big Weekend - Foo Fighters - Everlong. :love: :love: :love: Met the (maybe?) future wife for...
No, im Dale, and im quite young.
Separate names with a comma.