sounding good mate. The kick is very bass heavy (I am listening to it in headphones mind), and it drowns the bass a bit. If it isnt a sample i...
:dance: :D
I a na, im from shields. Theres nowt colder then walking across the Tyne in winter. You should have seen the snow tho. It snowed for 3 days. One...
snow down here (leeds) has been heavy over the past week, much worse than you's have had, and there hasn't been many delays. Its only leaves that...
Passion is alright, there was loads of dick heads like, and its in the middle of nowhere. Our coach got lost on the way down.
Just look into man. Im sure you can get grants/loans if you start uni before you 25. It worth doing. If you fuck up just make sure you dont earn...
I didnt bother with halls im my first year as i moved down with a couple of mates. One of my mates moved into halls and hated it. Loads of people...
Re: fao anyone thats read the metro today I had a brief moment where i thought she was, then i felt violated! She reckons she considered...
It depends what your budget, and computer is i.e Mac or Pc. Mac you have pretty much everything unless the likes of cubase and protools havents...
Pazzaz was the fucking worst like. Couple of the doormen off there have been locked up, and were invloved with that tape going round with people...
For those of you who didnt manage to get a ticket from Mr Proud, i would recommend getting your ticket a.s.a.p as they are selling pretty damn...
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Digital Society, Leeds. Get it done :D
:redface: yeah, but we've all done it before :p
Sorry to hear that Jamie, im sure you'l find another job. Recruitment agencies, no matter how shit the wage is they give you, or if they fuck...
Windows media should do it fine. Ive burnt numerous cds with mp3s. on windows media.
I HATE when my lass does this like. She was in a strop with me when we went shopping. Asked her like 10 times if she wanted anything to eat. Each...
How many people are definately coming down for this one, and haven't been invited and reply attending on facebook? were trying to establish...
That mash up on your myspace of Robin S and The ones is canny if you go for that sort of thing, I dont myself but it would clearly go down in the...
:lol: :lol: :lol: fookin hell. Split me sides that one!
Separate names with a comma.