ooooh i say, watched this lastnite with the other half.... was a good watch it did drag for a bit at the start, before the action kicks in :o...
oh god.. look at that rain........:o a sure aint looking forward to heading home in that.... ROLL ON 5 BELLS
oh yeah... throw that baby boy my way.. cheers young man :D
oooh a say.. am all over this... gotta find me a copy!!!
when does this bad bad hit the box office? Stephen Kings Film's are always canny like..:D
Funny enough a was cleaning out the garage for the elders at the weekend and we came across loads of stuff, most of which was shitee, we only...
its all about this guy, what a fox.........Matt Hardwick
:lol::lol: nope its alll true, a turned it off the first time round.. F A C T :doh: couldt resist perving on Christain Bale again.......
:D a get me kicks from reading people status when a get in from work, just to see if anybodys day has been worse then mine :p
The Machinist Bought this a while ago and a never got round to watching it intill lastnite What a film, was a bit freaked out at the start Mr...
no outbreaks at my place of work yet, its full of swines like :up:
its all good, a payed a visit to me local BB yesturday, got the problems sorted :D didnt take much
yeah we didnt fancy staying in SA again, Playa d'en bossa looks well nice the hotel looks sweet, just hope a can sweet talk me fisherman friend...
a didnt mean owt by that :lol: a just thought there was loads of yous going..:D erm am staying at HOTEL TRES CARABELAS, aint sure if its...
a nar a thought it was a wind up :o, there only the two of us going like fly out on the 5 sep from teeside, a reckon that was why it was sooo...
a have this, carey used to be the funniest man on the planet
oh yes, a was breaking me back to get booked up, flyin from teeside, what a nightmare.......:o a couldt careless where am staying, along as it...
just been and booked up this morning, am going back to the island :D got us a sweet deal, 1 week HB San Antonio, £150 with
oooh sounds like a plan, in the middle of 2 day benda, just about recovered from godskitchen lastnite.......GET ON IT :crazy:
tonight whooooooooooooo, its gonna be great :D
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