dont reply to it, and dont phone the numbers. the companys are not allowed to charge you unless you signed up for it. signing up can be, ill...
shaving ur head is cool. all the best kids do it.
cloakroom service probably went well down hill when i left :p *kidding* i think paying for cloakroom service is ok mind. especially in the...
warning...texts from toptunes. Heard this at work today, tis not bullshit, just thought i would post just incase anyone else has the problem it...
asked about this at work today. if you ring your network, then they can tell you what number you need to ring/text to stop this partucular company...
what network are you on and which company is it whos abusing your number?
eat 3 sensibly portioned meals a day. make sure you dont skip breakfast. if you have to snack between meals, eat fruit or even better as...
:o this isnt my natural hair colour.:o
[IMG] ^^^thats mine^^^ or at least it will be....keep being told that it will be bought soon enough. only £199...dont want nething too...
drink water or lucozade and go back to bed with a bucket/washing up bowl next to the bed.
what odds would you give me on "never in a million years"?
going to a party with a load of people i went to secondary school with. People who think that 1) i still have long hair, 2) im still with...
thanks to the amount of drugs i took when i was at uni, i cant remember anything. Everyday is new to me :)
aye, its not Daz thats being bad here, its claire being an evil stingy cow. Btw, lil' jess, the post b4 that one, bloody good idea....
martin asked me not to post but this is really pissing me off. Give him his money back. He didnt cancel the holiday. He didnt decide not to go....
Re: Re: Charlotte Church - Male or Female? my hair is mint...ur just jealous
Charlotte Church - Male or Female? 'cos her balls appear to have dropped. :spangled: :spangled: :spangled:
big :hug: for johntystar :D has been over a year since ive been to promise aswell. maybe one day ill come back.
That is a picture of Mossop, one of the riddlers yes? Was wondering who was supposed to look like Mossop. Then the next comment about...
Separate names with a comma.