Beckham sending off was harsh, but a win is a win.............................p.s fucking welsh, diving sheepshaggers.
shocking, but worth a chuckle. :lol:
I nominate myself for the best looking 'promise paddy' award, and i'd like to thank those ugly micks for making this possible. :chill:
I blame the protestant north of ireland myself. Down with the huns. :D
:D you ain't so special 'Loser' :p
I just think he's a cunt :angel3:
Soccer AM eat your heart out
But you still reply :fart:
I like that :D
:D I see the retards have the internet now.
Move Promise over to Northern Ireland, you lot don't deserve it :p
C'mon the BORO :D
What, no Healy..................:D
A Fucking Disgrace What the hell is going on? Bad Crack. :( So I read here, haven't seen the incident though.
Any more info, i know nothing about this?
Ah the champions league........................simply MINTED :cool:
New hip anyone? :fart:
It will be popular when England look like winning something again.
Could be worse, we could get beat 5-0 by Artstudents Utd
Separate names with a comma.