i'm on the site now... think if i setup direct debit they'll rape me for 12 mths worth and im moving out in errr.. 8 or so... post office job...
we got a 'some guys are coming' red letter the other day.. gona sort one online tomorow.. can you get 6mth ones?
you love it..
just get urself down u loser... :laugh:
your shit nass... your better half still coming down? :wink:
check the serial numbers..etc.. yadda yadda yadda.. can u even buy those small cans of grolsch without gettin any 'easy to carry' badboy box?.....
ha i will.. who are you to call us for not coming down to an above average night?.. u didnt even show your mug at the 'last ever' ahem...
:lol: eh?.. cunt off aye? yes i was on markys back seat at the weekend.. jealous? :o anyway pike there still on ice for ya at...
all the best you fucking useless dribbling tart...
yeah.. theres nothing better than being dragged outta bed by 2 chav birds.. :down:
maybes not eh fran? :lol: .. i get enuf drum and bass when i get in on a night from my flatmate.. :bang:
yeh it was class the other wed.. well tequilla'd.. but the mummys boys and rahs are out to play :down:
yeah leon's a fellow bambu warrior.. :cool: dont think theres much else on.. will check the digital site.. could always end up in leeds and...
we've still not got a bin.. it got half inched back in august.. :lol:
hahaha.. ouch... bitchy.. true tho. :down: laz
haha.. bring the dvds round mine when your finished with em?.. im getting impatient with the one episode a week bollox.. started downloading a...
is culks goalking?.. he's eager.
they are for gods yeah?.. and not 'bobskitchen - fenham?' and for this year?.. dont really fancy forking out £60 for one off some cunt outside...
town tonite.. anything else kinda worth going to on a wed except bambu?... suggestions kids?.. :wink:
as i know your all v interested i just thought id let u know is fixed.. kinda.. cheers phill :dunce:
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