Australia Anyone know the place to get the cheapest return flights to Oz?
we split up in 2003 mate :wink:
Like the Churchill dog once said; oh no no no no no no [IMG] :up: I'm a bit trapped really as she didn't think she could have...
Was it that predictable? :redface: :lol: True, although she rang me a month after we split to inform me she was pregnant, & it's mine :cry:...
Re: Diana Inquest - if you believe that, you'll believe anything
It means whatever you want it to Peter ;)
i like my women to have the boobs mate :lol:
2 anyone that is interested, i'm selling due to my training regime...apparently THC turns Testosterone into estrogen (the female hormone), which...
forget it, mines working again :redface:
You're asking for trouble if you smoke 2 oz's a week, even one oz to be fair :o
o2 anyone having problems with their network coverage at the minute?
In my day we used computers with Green screens, doesn't mean i'm going to keep using one now though :D
Buckets are smoking, a vaporiser is not ;) The healthy option :angel2:
Volcano Vaporiser 6 weeks old, boxed. Complete with 'solid valve' system and all cleaning kit/spare bags. Volcano [IMG] These little...
Sono - Keep control
Giz a ring Jim. I have GTA liberty city stories :up:
Also the bit where the dogs come after you, one got a double tap but the other ripped my throat out the first time i got to that bit :( :lol:...
Separate names with a comma.