Will sell seperately £offers :)
Laptop Dj setup - For sale 1 x Dell Inspiron 6400, 2.6ghz Celeron Processor, 512 ram, 80 gig Hard drive. Windows XP media edition, built in...
Back to Melts original point: I blame 24hr licensing :up:
Grainger games in Whitley bay is still taking orders :up:
The enemies craic is a fucking roar sometimes :lol:!!!
Aye i've had this pre ordered for weeks now! Looking forward to it :D
:up: Bring back the grenade launchers that were on the X box 1 versions i say :up:
Aye, the basement is where you can stock up ;) The bar is the top floor :up:
X box live question I've only had live since Thurs, so i'm still learning. I know i put i my Windows live ID in when i set up & i keep getting...
^Slightly incorrect: There are also 'Team death match' options where you only kill the peeps you're playing against :cool2:
Class :up: The Ai is better than any of the previous rainbow 6's and you are a lot more in control of things compared to COD.
It's only Coop on Vegas 2 but on Realistic it's good, because the enemy are shit hot and so are the people you're fighting with. As you get...
:lol: Sound, i'll send him a message on facespace :up:
Vegas II on X box live If anyone partakes, add me: MarcE81 :)
My netgear works beautifully with a PC/Laptop & X box live all at the same time. That's on 20 meg like, but for free i aint complaining :D
They don't test you till (usually) half way through phase one training mate. Give yourself 4 weeks before you are due to report for training...
Can't see it being stretched for signal, being about 2 metres away from my x box ;)
It's free i couldn't care less :lol: :p
Separate names with a comma.