they are board warriors thats all im thick skinned to these narrow minded sort of folk, stuck in their stereotpyical world, i pity them!
did you not listen in biology lessons at school?
i thought you had a decent bit of banter on you, hes insulting not only a young girl, but her 7 month old baby, hell yes thats a put down, the... is the lowest flights iv seen but they are only usualy cheaper if you book a few weeks in advance, maybe try going to the airport and...
:lol: :lol:
i have my own home a boyfriend and a baby, i have a part time job, my boyfriend is in his 7th year of training to be an architect, im studying...
lost in care.
spike and mad kev have an infatuation with me starting all these threads, im replying due to pmt lol, great way to dealwith it!
sorry love dont see it!
clever boy you have managed to attatch an image!!!! aww your mam will be so proud, go on explain yourself!
you get your kicks out of starting fights with young girls and insulting babies ??
spike people dont like you get over it.
talk about a back fire? go on then .............
who put 10pence in you anyway? are you another person who got rejected by the goodgreef board?
well the only person you call a fat bitch is me, your not straying from me are you????????
well done spike a treadmill!!!you get 8 of them in the gym i go to 3 times a week! how bout a photograph of you not so long ago posing, like...
ha ha so many threads dedicated to me and my arse! im flattered
how am i lol?? can you read?the thread in question was from 5 months ago.
ha ha bitter are we spike awwwww shush now your mammy will make it all better.
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