i'd rather be a druggie than a fattie :up:
all i meant was that the list highlighted the harmfulness in terms of everything... not just the medical/health issues... so using it in a...
ACSM-o-rama! :p
i don't really have one...?
its relating to harmfulness not danger you stupid idiot. taking into account social, crime, economic factors as well as health risks. most...
haha i meant in stuff like security an that! an as laid back as you are the geek inside you would not let you be lax about stuff like that i'm...
i bet i'll be pissed when/if i see them so they probably are gonna look hot to me even if they don't really :lol:
would people stop saying joe hacked the board? he guessed a few passwords which in all honesty were a bit too stupid to really be passwords in...
tv provider turf wars? now i've seen everything! :lol: the whole thing seems a bit like a PR stunt which the virgin brand love so much...
gluttony? greed is the desire - but i think she's definately indulged! we could go all religious (on this board? never!) an add sloth in...
its not like i knew my mates were going to fabric when i got the weekender tickets :rolleyes: and hows it not stupid clashes if i want to go...
Re: Re: Tidy Weekender i only just realised today :( stupid clashes!
Tidy Weekender anyone going to this? didn't realise it was so soon! having to miss lawson & spirit catcher at fabric cos of this too :mad: :(
haha i'm only messing! :p ps joe's just admitted he funds the nazi's :cool:
joe do you get public transport? cos i'm sure they will use some of the companies you don't agree with. so if i were being pedantic i could...
you think typing jamesclimax in one box and then climax in another box is a lot of effort?
yeah i get the piss taken out of me cos i have a bit of a north eastern accent now to my mates back home. but just some words apparently!...
so now you like him cos he lets you dj out? fair play! :p an this place has always been about elitism and one-upmanship.
james just try an guess joe's password. i bet its hanukkahrulesok an i don't know what the big fuss is about the password... just change it...
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