How appropriate, my name means 'Trees near the water' thats i am averagely envoweled apparently in pig latin my name is Indsaylay...
here here :king:
aye and it'll all be fat craigs
clearly not mine then cos mine are saggy granny tits that quite frankly would make you vomit. unless thats the kinda thing your
Aye, to it all...just about. I believe in science and if science tells me something i believe it. Fuck the rest of it. lol
see i am doing a whole degree on the environment and its based on facts and figures, and masses of research. i'm sure one persons view on it...
the old cat & dog, love/hate relationship thing I want to get a kitten, my staffy has never had a close encounter with a cat, but has chased...
your so classy, i thought there must have been something about you that i liked :wink:
If other people (not you cos you clearly give a shit in some way or form) thought less about this side of it then we might be getting somewhere....
ha ha be careful you'll turn in to me soon....get a log burning stove, we've never put the central heating on since and our bills are tiny. I have...
Actually the only fact i would like to share with you all this night, it is not propaganda bollocks, i don't study the media hyped shite i study...
you know what i'm not even gonna start with this thread or i could be here forever...there's no point trying to tell people who obviously haven't...
thanks for putting up with me, i've abused the system and you can now delete this thread if you so desire....many thanks for your patience :)
FAO me sorry to abuse the system but i need to extract these photo's at work and its the only site i can think of thats not banned at work.
please NO tiesto!!!
ha ha he's it! I want one but richard wont let me have one
aye and how much would this line up cost? and how much would you have to sell tickets for in digital to make your money back? think before you...
are you taking the piss or are you really getting it done as i seem o remember you enquiring about it a while ago?
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA your a little unrealistic with this request surely? How many other nights that run at digital have 4 dj's on that would cost...
Separate names with a comma.