Drunk? Damn right he is http://www.juokis.com/2008/07/20/uzvartojes/ :lol: :lol:
The opening with the eagle kinda noise is epic
Good choice bobby. Slam some Bomfunk MCs on while ya at it kiddo!
Indeed Tavistock changed hands and its fukin shit now. My Dad and Stepma went last week and they refused to pay for it. So they contacted...
My mate bought our tickets this morning. sweet :D
Whats the question mate? im time served
can you reword that mate. you just made my brain fart
If only i had mates willing to go to a Drum and Bass night. I think im the only fan of dnb amongst my mates. chumps :(
Not bad for the money http://www.comet.co.uk/shopcomet/product/484920/SAMSUNG-NP-R60 thats good too. lots of storage. better graphics etc....
I think I saw you on the dancefloor but wasnt sure enough to introduce myself, or say you were sexy
Aye it was really good. Very entertaining too, visually. I had a few bored moments in between my highs and lows. Hard style is great but i...
My first venture out on months, got pretty caned but loved every minute of it. I thought i was wearing a hat and had to keep touching my head...
Its the way of the world kiddo! and if it was a male teacher dancing about in his skiddies, i doubt kids would think hes a nonce, they would be...
Why werent my teachers like this? After a game of truth of dare... http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article1874459.ece The teacher...
Lifes a bit shit and your skint, but buying your lass a laptop for christmas? lol . Maybe you could buy her something less expensive and she...
I wish someone would come up with a new approach to football and sports games. they follow the same generic setup in every one of them. I dunno...
:confused: :lol:
Both Grainger games and Asda had this in stock today. but neither would sell me it until tomoro :( bastards
By all accounts you dont need to have played the first. Fallout 3 looks the business too. So many good games out in the coming months
I was speccing laptops for my mate and i found one that was on offer at Comet was a lot better spec than any Dells or similar within that price...
Separate names with a comma.