Judging by our conversations, it would just give you 3hrs to sniff some lasses hair instead of twenty mins :lol::lol:
Doesnt help that the lines get full of vandalising nobjockeys on a night time. Aint that right ya spraypainting hippy! ;)
OMG the latest episode is funny as fuck Terrance and Philip special gets taken over by The Queef Sisters who queef in the gynecologists face...
If we set them up to PROTECT, maybe they need some RESPECT ?
The guy who died was clearly being a dickhead though, he was walking as slow as he possibly could to obstruct the police. pushing him over like...
Theres a proper place for you to put your pictures in. Its called the Members Mugshot thread :P
for the lolz
Nah Semtex was on the decks on the centre stage. Before and After there was a DJ on the setup on the left hand side. According to N-Types...
And in response to this bit. SF4 is fucking NAILS on any difficulty above easy. Infact, completing easy is pretty hard on the last boss. Takes...
This game is seriously tactical if you play it to a good level. Ideally with a decent joystick. You play online against anyone decent and you...
Well I assume the DJ before Rascal was N-Type, bit of a dubstep/dnb dj.. I got in the arena right as he was finishing so didnt see. Rascals...
your spare ticket sold?
20 quid, and ill give you a milkybar yoghurt
Street Fighter 4 - xbox 360 Mint game this, but im skint as fook so its gotta go. 20 quid if ya collect from Shields :)
If its out like the last one this will be wicked. The venue proved to be great last time. :cool2:
The coon episode and the Recession one were brilliant. Its satirical comedy at its best (okay, maybe not brasseye but its good)
If i could profit from it id be tempted to sell mine!. If it arrives of course!
Fookin hell YouTube- HANNIBAL FOR KING
get some of these knockouts down ya! YouTube- K1 Greatest Knockouts
K-1 is cooler than MMA :P
Separate names with a comma.