had a mint night. cannot wait for the next one :D
the best beardy man video i seen was when he done the dj mag awards. when he was introducin armin van burren as the number 1 dj. was fuckin...
haha. aii a suppose. i think i might just take off to town wit you's but then leave you's when we get there so that i can go to leavin party...
your too old by a good couple of centuries lol
i dont even think drum finishes graft till half 5 or summit. altho he does work from home lol. i've heard gordon and cagsy are gonna be there...
aii see you at drums mate. you goin down for the start? what time does beat therapy start?
i love cosmic like. been ages since av been there aswell.
yeah no bother. i was gonna try and get everyone across anyway. i think i hav managed to get a few people from peterlee to come up aswell. but...
cant wait for this. should be a mint night :D
i asked drum that if he fancied beat therap like. and he said he was game. av told him that i will only be goin to his for couple of hours cos am...
fri- beat therapy saturday- mates house party all day sunday - still partyin from day before then trees on the night monday- sick as fuck and...
i went to konspiracy on friday- had a fuckin unreal time. then partied at morlas till last night :D tonite am goin to the match :D
haha when the fuck did that happen? was that when he drove down?
gutted i cannot go to this. would love to see rochard and alan wilson never fails to impress aswell.
cannot wait for this. been lookin forward to it for ages now :D
the man u away shirt looks like an old west ham home top.
fuckin wounded i cannot make this. r well...shit happens. got no one else to blame but myself lol
my father has just got the new blackberry touch screen thingy. just like the i-phone but better. he used to hav the i-phone but much prefers the...
might pop down :D see what kind of state i end up in lol
hopefully doin fuck all, all weekend. i need a rest lol
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