i dont reckon i hav spent that much. i used to drink loads when i was younger but since i discovered class A's and a certain class C i never drank...
:D all be goin to this :D
i shagged my ex bird in the downstairs toilet on the boat :D
i work in the buildin opposite enigma. and i dont finish till just after 10 on a friday. so i reckon al just come straight from work lol
happy birthday kidda. hope you had a good weekend
are they not???? r well fuck knows then, lol. al hav to sort summit out. am sure that gaynor said they were puttin a bus on. and i only asked...
i like the one that says, this isnt a beer belly. its a fuel tank for a sex machine :lol:
yeah got to agreee wit ya there mate
how come ya cancelled yours?
when he got me chucked out and arrested i went back up the club after i had been arested and he apologised to me for gettin me locked up. the...
wouldnt mind goin to this. but am up colorsfest which is just about the same line up trance wise but the harder line up is much better up colors....
OMFG la roux - in it for the kill fuckin tune :D :D its what judge jules opened up his set wit at trees on sunday :D
fuckin immense line up that like. same night as GG at digital tho. so hopefully al be goin to that
on the D/L now :D been a while since i heard one of ya mixes like.
its mad as fuck how they hav loads of hard house dj's on then ya hav jon o'bir and agnelli & nelson lol.
fuck that. get yaself to MOH aswell :D
am doin this and masters of hardcore :D cannot fuckin wait.
the bouncer who was at beat therapy said he would let me in. but it all depends on the head bouncer..if he remembers me or not.
ad be canny buzzin if i got back in like. a think al just try my luck at a shit night. then just take it from there. and hopefully be back in by...
i wouldnt mind goin like. just to hear dizze rascal do bonkers :D (unreal tune)
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