no matter what weather it is its always alot colder up here in consett :D
thought tis was well funny and gets on me nerfs when people take it 2 serious
nice i be there :)
so whos on then boxing day then :p
she looks well fucked :p
face/off matchstick men the weather man
best comedy ive seen all yr, lots of laugh out loud moments r u fucking high!
lol yea, the songs bits just dont make sense 2 me:lol:
nice1! not going 2 night but went see him the last time he was on, he was well funny but seemed 2 be all other the place
i should be going 2 tis now i canna w8:)
some twisted people out there :p
ye it does:) cant w8 for this eithier just hope eddie is on top form
best usa tv atm is supernatural :)
hope this goes well 4 ya
gutted i cant go got me brother wedding 2 go 2 the nxt day
lol just noticed all his posts:D
was at work then the nxt door shop nxt 2 us told us what was going on so we closed up early and went home 2 watch it on tv
cool, gutted i missed this then :(
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