Oasis tickets... Whooooooooooooooooo mine all came today :) Who else is going to see them?? I can't wait :beer: :dance:
EEK would it be bad??
Wow... I want to be in the hospitality tent :(
Oh no is he ok?? He has been ill for a while :( Akhbar's is lush :drool:
The Weekend I know its only Wednesday... but whats everyone up to this weekend?? Thurs - I'll be packing Fri - Off to the dog races for my...
2 x Oasis tickets for sale Hi I have 2 x Oasis tickets for Thursday the 4th June @ Heaton Park, Manchester. PM me if you are interested!! :D
We got our tickets for the Monday at the weekend... Little Boots is AMAZING :love:
Happy Birthday :beer: :D
Yeah I can't wait to see Little Boots :dance:
Evolution Festival... Is anyone going to it? www.evolutionfestival.co.uk Think i'm gonna pop into Newcastle tomorrow and buy some tickets :D
Why u gotta wait?? What colour u gonna do it??
What you painting??
Fri - finish work and drive up to Newcastle, have summet nice to eat, maybe watch a film Sat day - Geordie's mum will prob kidnap me and we...
If I already had it booked sure I would still go (aslong as it weren't to Mexico). In the worst case seniro, if flights are cancelled, they...
I think they have stopped all flights now... they are letting UK residants fly home, but they are screened as they enter.
:lol: he'd love that :laugh:
Goooooooood morning Did everyone have a good weekend?? Mine was good :) and the weather stayed nice :D
When I used to work for a cctv monitoring company we used to see loads of things like this... I even had to watch a body being pulled from a canal...
I saw something on the tv last night, that must have been from a couple of years ago as it had Max Clifford slagging her off!!
Happy birthday chick, hope you have a fab day and i'm looking forward to tomorrow :D :beer: Ps - Smigs - don't forget ur bucket and spade ;)
Separate names with a comma.