They are named in alphabetical order and boy girl boy girl, every season it goes back to A I have finally come to think thgat the immigratiuon...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Smokers may be refused NHS treatment :lol: :lol: :lol:
Ello you! I gues I got my answer about Leah then. If Luke slept all the time maybe he was dead years ago and you daft mongs have just...
Wow he did have a long life...I was suprised he made it a month seeing the way you guys were with him. What about Leah?
Well it would certainly lighten my work load!! :D ( i work on an NHS respiratory ward :lol: ) I'm very anti smoking since doing respiratory...
Are you a miserable ovoid creature? (they do actually advertise anti depressants in this kind of way in the states :lol:)...
As it happens...they aren't just wandering over either. The NHS are currently all over Asia proactively recruiting masses of staff. There are new...
I guessed that...i was correcting the smart arse ;)
We know, we have seen your grammar and spelling.
Anyone who thinks asylum seekers are the problem in this country should read this thread :lol:
I know exactly which type i want thats why I went to John lewis but they wouldn't sell me one without measuring me first even though I was wearing...
They don't do breastfeeding bras...i tried there
Thanks....for the ladies...DO NOT go and get your bewbs measured at John Lewis. They are smoking crack in the staff room. :mad:
Does anyone know.. What size Jordans tits are?
Some use them as a replacement "baby" others just collect them as dolls. This woman was adamant on one thing though....she would NOT sell one...
Oh and after much pestering by the above woman...I finally held one of her did feel too freakily like holding a newborn. She still...
I guess you've all not heard how seriously people take their reborn "berenguer" dolls then? In ENGLAND Go to tynemouth market and find the lady...
Oh dear...its one of those call centre people that takes their job very seriously....look in his profile he even thinks he's a "mortgage advisor"...
Yeah but its not so big over there really....the customer service is either excellent or some person sat there like "yeaaah whaddya waaant *pop...
Call centres are my biggest pet hate. It absolutely drives me crazy that you have to usually call about 5 times before you can get someone who can...
Separate names with a comma.