a lesbian orgy, what's not to like? Is the one on the left ramming a dildo up the arse of the one lying on the floor who looks like Kerry?
that's ok, I like cheap. Can you be tarty too?
only if you insist... I'd have been happy with a head-massage, but if you want to wear black rubber, go for it!
There's a plant in the caribbean called the marmaled tree, but I think's it's named after marmalade
i thought you just healed up after a few years? don't bother with the pants
freak Main Entry: mar·ma·lade Pronunciation: 'mär-m&-"lAd Function: noun Etymology: Portuguese marmelada quince conserve, from marmelo...
ok.... i'm tempted...
Kerry puts the boot in. Say what ya think babe, don't hold back any...
fancy one?
i used to be a virgin, then I wasn't for a bit, but I am again now
:) i might stay i might stay more if Dr Love asks me :love:
not if she had a pool ball taped in her mouth
get off my thread!
I'm gonna stay, cos Paul wants me too :D
:o Si, do you want Ruth punani?
can't, won't? it's like when little boys pull little girls hair in the playground, it's cos they LIKE em! Same as girls saying "eeewww, you...
Nat does have potential, i might stay
you could be right, it's taken me longer than that to get this good, and you have a LOT to learn :)
I'll be dead in bout 30 years, is there enough time? Nat, everyone can be improved, even including :o ME!
Separate names with a comma.