zoo project sold out in the empire in boro on boxing day apparently..dont think thats happened in years
:lol::lol: that night was funny as, shame i left before dan ejected turner from the building
Whos this lass your on about like? She sounds like a right doyle
ripon gardens circa 2006?
http://soundcloud.com/chris-duckenfield/sets/the-idiots-are-winning/ ERDBEERSCHNITZEL_TONIGHT THE POPULAR PEOPLE’S FRONT_PARTY OVER HERE...
always had a good night there, was a bit on the quiet side but that was due to it being in boro more than anything else..worth a go i recon!
This used to be on at the cornerhouse in boro, i went to a few of them (at least i think it was this). Will be down to see weatherall if i can B)
Go see more live music, keep off the gear, stop being such a daft pissed up cunt, maybe get a few 10K's done
Shonkys been shit hot both times iv seen him. Had this mix on loads in the last year or so -...
shonky..fidget house..you sure?
this is what someone on my facebook wrote - ''Club was mint m8! Cool underground venue with loadsa of graffiti everywhere.. Crowd was mint only...
i had a good night i think, iv got some videos so il post them up here when i work out how to get them on my computer off me phone :/
doesnt matter found it..iv got 2 RA accounts apparently:facepalm: see you's 2morra
right can someone give me a hand ere. i bought a ticket on the 7th december (just checked on my internet banking to make sure) but i must have...
Thats not a quote as such its just a commonly used phrase..for someone accusing other people of being dim you generally come across as being thick...
aye cos you never do that, babbling on about minimal and elavator music all the time..
yeh me neither mate! just heard it on a neville watson mix, think geoff put it on one of his mixes n all
that dj sprinkles tune is unreal like
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