Yea, so you should go to City Life Church in Newcastle too! It'll be amazing! :wink:
Yes you certainly may, I was brought up in a Christian family which did give me a firm foundation, however, like many Christian youths I went...
Tell him to fire away then!
Nope, I was serious im afraid! :lol: Quite a difficult thing to put accross in a normal way! hehe, but no, I mean thats what I believe so what can...
This is gonna be complicated to quote your quotes hehe Originally posted by Joe The hebrew translation is: "But he was wounded FROM our...
So what objections do you have against Christianity Ness?
Absolutely quality mate really enjoyed that!!! :o :D :love:
Well that's one way of interpreting it, however to me verses like these don't really make sense in that respect and surely fit perfectly with...
Sorry this next post took so long my internet has been up to allsorts! :mad:
Well I think as this thread demonstrates, even though our society has filled itself with ridiculous amounts of worldly treasures we aren't getting...
God has a fallen Kingdom on earth but one is coming that is perfect and how the world should be made. Yep I'm about as full on a Christian as...
Not sure exactly what this comment means but if it is implying that I have jumped on the back of a new fad then thats simply not the case, I have...
My purpose in life is to bring glory to God, (that is the same God as yours - the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob) and to make myself available to...
My purpose in life or the purpose of my post?
Erm, the top part of the post is quoted from the Bible, and the rest of it is what I said :confused:
Therefore Jesus said again, "I tell you the truth, I am the gate for the sheep. All who ever came before me were thieves and robbers, but the...
Got me tickets for this badboy! :D
Re: My First Board Mix Quality! Did you get this on promo from somewhere? Mix looks class downloadin now :)
Man they've got it completely the wrong way around! On the same day @ the Nottingham Crasher they've got this lineup on!.... Above & Beyond...
Sorry to bring this up again but listened to this again and this mix is a classic piece of trance! :D :D :love:
Separate names with a comma.