Magicbox in town will sort you out!
really good. :D send me the finished version.
Parker and Carr anyone else hear about them abusing the fans in the east stand after saturday?
hahaha page 2 of the chronicle!!! :lol:
shit man i had his set from 2001 i think with sonique mc'ing over the top! fucking set and a half that like.
proper bitter because theres no way they could come close to making somthing as good. im going to be playing it fo sho.
i respect the cheese.
some people need to get over themselves. This is no more cheesey then Ethan - in my heart. its a tune!!!
Newcastle have always been known for the lax attitude towards the youth policy! no wonder boro's kids are doing so well.
he's the boy but tom is right the One Louder cd was fucking mint!!
ramage and taylor looked solid! Taylor has a bit of a slip up early on but to be honest they looked good. Siberiski was solid all game and...
nice mix mate.
el torrero is the best tapas place. noreen works there.
the sound fucks when there's too much smoke! we do it nearly everytime we play :lol: proper nice fuck up :lol:
Nu Wave :lol: are they fucking kidding? A bit late on the bandwagon arnt they?
she is real! i used to work with the sister who had the boob job. still not coming to stereo though.
if its the one i think then it never actually came out! its probs floating round somewhere on the net. good tune as well!
i love that detroit tune. :love:
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