This video made me feel physically sick! How some people think just because someone is black means they aren't british is beyond me!! Knowing...
I think I know the difference between TRAUMA and depression!!! I know people who suffer or who have suffered from depression and without going in...
Are you fucking kidding me? How can you compare depression to alcoholism & drug addiction? Most sufferers of depression become I'll from things...
I know, I lose sleep over it every night
In all fairness to Jonas he was outstanding on Monday night! But hey what do I know, I'm a lass !!!
I spent over 3 hours in total last night trying to update, I synced before the update then got rigt through to the last stage of the update and I...
Under basic Law once you transfer the money and they recieve it you have entered into a contract, he made an offer of providing you with the goods...
Hands :lol: It's a face wash with bits in like sand.
:lol: Do you exfoliate? You need to wash, exfoliate and moisturise to stop dry skin, if you just wash and then moisturise you won't clear your...
Ha ha ha ha ha ha
Shurrup man! Safc were the better team first half but you's didn't even turn up second half!!
Why would you care? Aren't you a glory supporter, sorry, I mean Man U supporter :p
I might come to this like, Tyas has been really good every time I have seen him play. Wont ever beat the first time he played Junior G at Cosmic...
I do what Carson suggested Jimi, get the best deal and you just collect your money at the airport. I felt the same about Turkey, especially with...
Fair enough hacking in to "celebs" phones to give us something to read but to hack in to the phones of murdered school girls and family of Holly...
Yeh I had whiplash, still getting physio for it now. I could of got a lot more but I just took the second offer, couldnt be chewed to wait another...
Brid go through an accident management company. A lad went into the back of my car (which I had only had for 2 weeks) when I was stationery in a...
LOVE THIS!! you know everything thats going on so you blatantly watch it hahaha
Loved it when he high 5'd the lad for having a threesome on his first night there
A magaluf special is currently being filmed.... AWESOME!!!
Separate names with a comma.