He was the best thing since sliced bread when he was at Pompey, now he's at Liverpool he's all of a sudden under the microscope.
Short term lets Anyone know of any agencies/landlords around Newcaslte/Gateshead who do short term lets (1-3 months) on apartments?
No different than selling foreign tabs and baccy over here IMO
Mental health consultants
Had some experience with them recently. They wanted my brother to be sectioned, but you can't arrest someone for mental health reasons if they are...
I reckon the government like's pushing alcohol on us as a way of mass self medication and control. It lets the masses forget about their lives and...
All sorts of clever things in the film. I reckon that the aliens having human names is a reference to the Cape Coloureds in South Africa being...
Bit of a silly statement that. When a Ukranian spends nigh on 3 weeks here, loses his wallet, has no money or mobile then he would kind of...
An extremely convenient and simple "I live locally" would suffice.
It's very entertaining, got something for everyone. Along with Let The Right One In, best film I've seen this year. Afrikaans accents are...
But they aren't white, a bruised white Zimbabwean farmer is more newsworthy.
Thought this was great.
Argentina and eventually all of South America will decriminalise all drug possesion for personal use in the coming years.
Got a medical next week (including a blood, liver function and piss test) so trying to avoid people as I'm weak. Doubt they'd chuck in a drugs...
Seven Crimes That Will Get You a Smaller Fine than File-Sharing American, but still :confused:...
The smell of teenage fanny batter in the movie theatre confirmed to me exactly who this film was aimed at.
Guy starts dance party This is exactly what life should all be about - worry less and live more! YouTube - Sasquatch music festival 2009 -...
BZP is paranoia inducing, more so than anything illegal. Only came about cos you can't get owt into New Zealand.
It must be very distressing for him to have to go through all this. I admire her greatly for keeping his mind on the job in hand and having the...
Dad/Dad's, Mam's new fella and various related and unrelated uncle's all get a ride. I reckon all this prepubescent in-house shagging is why...
Separate names with a comma.