ooooowww forgot 2 ask you goin 2 the hyena for smigs bday? xxx :) :angel3:
See you both there then stinker xxx :D :fart:
Agreed xxx Cant wait to see you play either mate havent even seen you in ages nevermind djin, will be there for your birthday though xxx...
Havent seen you play in ages mate should be fun is zoe comin? xxx
Glad your gona be there mate will be nice to see you xxxx :D
happy birthday sexy xxxxxxxxxxx :love: :D
Re: FAO Tigger/Kelkay Yes Zoe get into that chicken drumsticks :lol: :lol: :lol:
We did to be fair! x :D
Re: found these old tidy pics (FAO smigs, tigger,kelkay, play) Mint mate Ive got the very same ones maaaaan good times! xxx:love:
Is there any fucking need man just keep that shit to yourself! :wanker: :sick:
He was loving it like fucking rites.....:lol: I had a shot of his cruches like not such a good idea after a few :D Missed you though Suz man...
class ye na! x
Well mate some people just dont realise when there wrong :lol: :lol:
Ill have to just show you mine when you come over mate! x
In your face! :fart: :lol:
Yes Dallas get in there! Put that in ya pipe and smoke it :lol: :lol:
Well Im his mate and I dont think that theres anything wrong with it get a life man cock! :upyours:
Look how much Im smiling on the sunday one man class just loving it! xxx :D :love:
Fav sunday! xxx :love: :love:
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