or the 3GS. :facepalm: it's actually better than Siri IMO. does local shopping and directions. siri is for american wankers.
he's probably moving swiftly through the country's tescos with a pricing gun and a fixed grin upon his face.
I think we should stop all this nonsense by supporting the GM crops. we'll need it soon enough - if the population keeps rising as it is, it's...
I never said i neither agreed or disagreed with the program, or what you were saying in general. I simply said that you were boring and tedious.
alot of people i knew who went were all too smashed to actually remember what carl cox was actually like, however i heard bradford was class on...
Ho Son prove it.
how much would you be willing to part for them? not for me like, i just know a guy who's recently just re bought some turntables and he's into the...
how the fuck can you put a price on that collection mick! :o
it's a thread about lee, so it's not really on the agenda. i'd create a thread about it melt, that's how forums work :)
throw it in the bin, and get an iphone!
human traffic was a comedy? more of a low rent geordie remake more like. with more missing CDJ's and more exposed chest than koo's after 3am.
the rumours of the cat boots must be true. west side reprazent.
has anyone seen the newer toshiba's tho? they're horrible bit's of plastic tat :lol: although if you were going to spend a grand on one....
However with a draw, nothing was settled after the game. South shields (50/50 ratio for sunderland and newcastle fans) was in absolute uproar last...
nah wasn't me. because as was said i've got sleep to catch up on, rather than deal with your insipid whining.
was this a cuntfest then? alot of people saying this was a massive tribal tattoo with a mounted laser show :lol:
thats absolutely class :lol:
mental. surprised this wasn't the quick story on the news!
along the newcastle quayside, from the riverside (the old sea nightclub) along to the swingbridge and under the tyne bridge apparently!
Separate names with a comma.