Does that mean we can go to beamish? If so i'll consider us made up? And I don't hate you hunny. I'm in love with you :love:
Sorry hun but i was talking to you about being hard work the other day and you abandoned me. I've been crying ever since. :cry: you are kind...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Have you.... :rolleyes:
Happy Birthday :D
Re: Re: Have you.... No mate your a tosser. I'm just a person who used to use the GG board. :rolleyes:
She's a mackem? I formally retract any statement about her being hot I have made at any time in the past.
Really? I spek to people from the goodgreef board. But not the tossers who come on this one
Have you.... Good Greef wankers not left yet? I've juts got in from work and am having a quick flick through the board and its just full of shite...
Gran Feudo Crianza (Julian Chivite) :love:
I can't help being perfect I was just born this way :D
Too good for her am I?
Is she hot? If so tell her to fuck me and then they'll be even :up:
Dunno why your bothering? No-one wants to talk to you anyway :p
If you don't trust your partner completely you shouldn't be with them. A relationship without trust is worth nothing. :)
Mines fine :D
Happy birthday me old mucker :D
Re: Re: Re: Books... I wasn't that impressed with the da vinci code. Angels and Demons was miles better imo :up:
Has Rachel turned you down sometime in the past? You just seem to be very bitter towards her? There's nout wrong with Rach's chin. I'd love...
Re: Books... Its called digital fortress. Deception point by Dan Brown is good but it quite predictable like the rest
Separate names with a comma.