Yers *butting in the conversation* Be nice to meet new people!! Oh i'm so looking forward to Sunday now!!!
Yer well they were nice jellybabies!! Except for the black ones!!
yep!! Hehe, no me share everything anyway!! I couldn't just take all the flumps, OR COULD I??:evil: :evil: :evil:
But.. but........ *goes off in a huff*:cry:
Really free flumps?? Ohh there my favourite!!!:D
Hahaha, ur only jelous!!!:D
There are QUALITY!!!! Can't go clubbing without them, they send ya little tingles all over, plus the added bonus of fresh breath!!!!:) :D
Erm couldn't be assed to wait for it to load up!! :evil: Hehehehehe!! Is it good??
well i'm looking forward to it!!! :D :D :D
Do u have red and yellow?? Go sundies style then, would look good as it being a hard house night If not the yellow and blue sounds ok!! Seen...
Class!!!! Aww i'll miss everyone!! Hopefully there are alot of barmy, outragous, class people up in newcastle!! Ive met a few already and i...
:o Hahahhaha!!! Quality Pic ain't it? Bless him!! He will definitaly have to take a visit to newcastle when i move!:)
6 months already??? Hasn't time flown? :love: Its been the best 6 months of my life anyway!!!
Yer it sounds good!! Need to meet new people anyway if i'm moving up there!!! Unless i can bring all my mates up with me?:eek:
Yay i'm going!! Should be fun, make a change from Sundissentail or Godskitchen anyway!! A decent line up too, can't wait!!!!!!:D
Re: Mixmag CD's I agree 100% with you on that one!! Picotto Cd's are class!!!!!!!!!:)
Alot of other drugs do that to you too!! There ok in small doeses i think but alot of people go over board and later on in life they will suffer...
I would put some away for future investment!! Give my family and friends and charities some, and then most of all share it with my bf :love: and...
YAY shall look forward to that! I want the new frantic residents and anne savage!!! Did you sort those copies out scotty?? Including the techno...
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