wow, you must be very cool to single handidly turn around his musical taste with one cd! tell me, was it the twd mix of starsailer, or silver...
max graham mix of cried to dream:love:
do some dips inbetween 2 benches or chairs or something, that will get your triceps going!
i could still mosh it with the best of them, i seem to remember chucking you onto the crowd for a surf not too long ago in newcastle, if there...
any indy gig where you have to put up with some 16 year olds jumping up and down throwing beer in the air isnt on! i prefer to stick to places...
i quite like scarey films that freak you out a bit, but ones that are just full of suspense, so you are constantly jumping just annoy me! i've...
i vote for the sleazeatron, he is unstoppable!
today has been sweet like will come around in the morning and we can go round town for a bit before you go!
set it on fire:up:
you can either play them in random order or the order you have them in, but they have no display screen i bought one for marissa so it would...
our new flat doesn't have the best ventilation so it is still well hot and smokey from the party last night a quick bacon sandwich, tidy up...
joe is far better looking than most on here get over it fuckers. rachel here btw xxx
pms bj
suck it better ey
why?cos you tell us secrets?
he was making claims he was kieron dyer yesterday lister!
magicpaul told me he was up all night with the hammering and moaning james was complaining of a sore thumb yesterday too
shitsucking motherfucker
ebay how long does it take from when you recieve payment until it goes into your account after you have sold something? i've only sold a...
vuzz / profound promo mix to d/l residents summer mix i mixed the first 40 mins and luke mixed the second, i'm sure he will complete the...
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