I have an unhealthy obsession with comical cat photos :lol:
My cat was crazy since it was born...
On the subject of gay nights/venues, does anybody know when Powerhouse is reopening?
Fuck right off, Brit comedy is so much funnier than the Yank n Aussie crap. Vic n Bob, Green Room, Spaced, Father Ted.... Friday night on Channel...
I'm sure most South Park fans will have seen these, but i'm gonna post the link for the uninitiated. Very sick, but very, VERY funny! Lick me
Shef*Sean Missed you tonight down at Chicago, let me know when your next up, got stuff to 'catch up on'. If i don't see you before Sheffield...
So it was. Try this.
I don't care if you don't like it... ... this had me in stitches Clickypoo's
Re: Does you car match your starsign? TAURUS: Famed for their love of comfort and the finer things in life. Prefer Volkswagens. On my fourth one!
Implying something, or just being random?
That Polo looks the nuts. They're a smart looking motor when done right. Here's my humble Mk3 Anniversary taken with a state of the art single...
Aye, Anthony's definately living in downtown Narnia. :laugh:
Re: Vanessa Harsh...... But fair! :lol:
A very random weapon of choice.... Why the hell not?! Who needs decks at a post clubin party! :lol: @ Kidd
French dig pt2 :laugh: Be aware that the French government announced yesterday that it has raised its terror alert level from ' Run ' to '...
Bollocks, didn't work. Damn these Mac's! And no, it wasn't filth, it was a poster for the Escort Mexico with an appropriately 'tached 'n flared...
Blokes toilet at The Black Horse in Boldon... :confused:
For somebody who's still using minidisc, they're bound to be a bit out of touch. :lol:
Why is it that Heiniken tastes better in those cans? I'm digging Coors Light at the mo, used to live on it at Promise but they don't seem to sell...
Separate names with a comma.