That videos at least 5 years old
I didnt really like that. i have however, bucked his lass. It was years ago like, but aye. He doesnt like me. :lol:
His lass has just dropped a sprog! Massive congratulations fella :)
I opened the thread in anticipation of it being a front for an international midget peado gabba cocaine ring or something, but all youre asking...
Aye, no excuses this time like. My employers can swallow my fucking bollocks.
Well this thread was a let down.
Aye the same Carragher who's gonna retire at the end of the season?
Liverpool would love Cattermole :lol: Fucking hell pike. NICKLAS Bendtner and Lee Cattermole were quizzed by police in connection with a...
Jarra's pavements are dry as fuck atm.
So fuck?
I felt like one anarl! Was purely off drink that too as far as I can remember.
After reading the replies in here ive only just clicked on ive barely been out fucking anywhere this year. I think i went to a Shindig and a DS at...
Judging by the Lotions they've been retweeting recently, looks like you're right.
Nowt in Jarrow or town yet like. It is definitely pre-snow weather tho. Crisp as fuck out there.
What, Twitter and ReadyToGo? O'Neill will be your next manager, definitely. While its undeniable he's a decent manager his real test is going to...
He's gone. Step forward Sir Joe Kinnear.
Does Fanciulli still play his remix of Loco Dice's Definition? I know it's old but I'd love to hear it on a proper system.
He just seems to be utterly bereft of any tactical know how. He doenst play two wingers and two strikers, has no idea about tactical substitutions...
Looks like ill be going to this now. Any idea of running order? Even if its a ballpark estimate.
Separate names with a comma.