ha classic... you could have easy had the bird in subway.. he fell asleep in the toilets as well.. kids eh?.. i hear your off down again...
Re: Re: Boxing Day @ Sugarshack ha you've some nerve.. your from aycliffe son?
mite pop down for a few later on lads.. :up:
picked my 'repaired' w800 up from the 02 shop last nite.. didnt have chance to have a go on it when i got in.. connected it to my pc this...
happy birthday stu.. 21?.. you don't look a day over 5... and seeing as no one else likes you enough to post.. i thought id stick this up...
innit. you just know somewhere along the line pike has had a handlebar 'tache and gone to bars called 'the blue oyster' :laugh:
duno.. was along some kinda narrow street thing.. near that big square thing as well.. maybes. top notch description eh?
you little fack.. :screw: your name was mentioned.. but i told him you couldnt read... :wink:
:lol: smog u cunt.. if i had a spare min id stick up the count.. but im fucking swamped :down: pike phoned me up last nite 'n blamed me for...
will note 'em down.. :up: last year we went in a bar where u got a quad smirnoff and blue wkd in a pint glass.. classy.. :wink:
someones mentioned mood?.. im guessing its the same as up here and not a club??.. i dont fancy going all the way down there to end up in mood.....
phill - sorted my pc yesterday when i was off work.. well i say sorted i formated the cunt 'cos id had enuf... :up: :funky: brid - yeah...
gash.. they've mentioned the carling academy anyway... been to the one in landan before last year and had a class nite.. but this one will be...
looks like i'll be going down on the 12th now.. any chance you can dig out some listings again or give me some urls..?... cheers in adv.....
ha... his missus give him a good seeing to?
phill the big lad i made my pc worse on sat morning mate.. :lol: just when i thought it wasnt possible as well.. something to do with an .inf...
:funky: nah ended up going to shindig mate - was hammered and plenty were out :up: so it was bareable.... :wink: got thrown out of a...
live the dream son.. :up: started new job role today as well.. bossing mincers about all over.. and im sat in shorts.... :lol:
jimmy what did you do with all those fivers on sat nite mate and how the fuck did u get them anyway?? :lol:
sat in the office with my shorts on and my trainers/jeans on the radiators.. facking snow.. :down:
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