lol repeating something you witnessed Dawkins write isn't "explaining it quite easily". Why do lions eat their own cubs, is that confused...
Probably the first sensible post of this thread :king: when I read the Bible I see symmetry with modern understanding, where most of this...
it isn't... We dont know what happens when we die... but we do know whatever does happen if you live a good honest life then regardless of...
the chances external to our envioronment are evn greater :D
Most mathmatical minds have written off life occuring by chance, the emregence of stars (of which you dramtically underestimated) has nothing to...
as i said to forks...
I was providing you with the oppertunity to understand the side you just spent 30 minutes slating. I know you despise religion, I was hoping to...
Why is sleeping with your sister a bad thing? There are remote areas where incest has resulted in much longer life spans, Why is sleeping...
go on... But all the evidence indicates that universe wasn't always there. A "designer" doesn't have to be a complex being, take the laws of...
Chance? Life is based upon protien strings formed out of hundreds of amino acids (per string), throughout all life forms we find the same 20...
ok here's a very simple question - if we're relying on chance in the chaos to produce life... how is that life appeared on earth almost immideatly...
and stalks you? sorry about that.
You're assuming a deity is a being rather than a cause, a force... Jewish sages describe G-d as being the most simplistic thnig ever... the yerm...
lol its not off topic at all, I'm trying to explain theories that I know very little about... you can read about big bang theories but without...
explanation of any phenomenon creatio ex nihilo or creatio in general is not an observable phenomena - so how is Occams razor applicable?
Don't you contradict yourself here? ;) we suit this universe chaos is relative it isnt chaotic I understand what you're saying and I...
hahaha :king: the biblical narative correlates perfectly with modern histroy (agricultural revolution, birth of civilisatioons, etc.)... but...
If you had one million monkeys typing away for eternity would one of them ever type a midsummer nights dream? This is what you'#re suggesting...
or it could also seem like the entire universe is programmed to cater for the emergance/evolution of life... no... the development of...
I barely post here, I barely check the forum.... but every time I check someones slagging off religion. Just thought I'd give people the chance...
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