alas, i cannot make it...AGAIN! martin is refusing to get me a lift up there and there is no public transport so im stuck in darlo :cry: can...
Eddie Izzard Ne1 popping to the arena to see him 2night? i am along with 2 sisters and a brother in law...hes not my favourite comedian by far...
ne1 going to school disco? im working this so have to dress up...but andys gonna try and sort me the 2 hours off so i can have a wee pissup and...
im working so if ur going and are having fun...stay away cos i will get miserable :( my hair is grey also...tried to dye it blue and it went...
o...k:spangled:strangly fantastic that.
i have too much guilt...if i lie, i panic that i will get found out and have to confess. i can tell little white lies like 'no you dont look fat'...
we're probs not going nehow...martins a twat.
Single: Paul McCartney - Hope of Deliverance or Supergrass - alright i remember being in the shop whe i got hope of deliverance but mum may...
your going to smile? hang on, ill pm you.
i sat in stressing about my stupid problems and getting cuddles off my boyfriend who is 2 gud for me...even when he calls me fat. now im...
id quite like to get sum topless pics dun for the right amount...ive got great tits and my face isnt really that hair is but i could wear...
# wouldn't it have been cool for her to have left you a treasure map!! sorry...i jsut think it wud!
like gringotts? u get to ride around in a mine cart like thing with an gobin thing?
thats fine, just not ur stupid heavy bag :p im gonna start refusing to take bags that weigh more than i do! i got to put them up on the top bar...
Re: safety deposit boxes? sorry to hear about ur nan :(
think its £3 in...and beery lager things are £2...not sure what type of beery lager thing...but drink enuf and iu'll get pissed. im working...
i didnt even bother to try and read that mate...if im thick enuf to be asking...i need an answer where sum of the words are less than 10 letters :p
cud sum1 tell me what each of them are so i can vote?
my tits just make my feet look TEENY! im a size 5
not walking alone in the scary darkness!!! wudnt mind sum1 buying me a glass of wine or 2!;)
Separate names with a comma.