cheers :) i will give it a try
Sorry, you are talking to a computer dud here. Whats does 'cmd' mean and where do i type that?
And now ive realised that it is not just new hardware, but any hardware. If i plug anything at all into any of the USB ports, Windows shuts...
Update - it looks like the problem is not the camera. I borrowed a card reader from work, connected it via the USB port, and Windows crashed...
Camera Keeps Knacking My PC I got given a camera for Xmas, but havent really used it, until i went to Lanzarote last week. Now i am trying to...
I saw all the police cars - loads and loads of them. Helicopter was hovering over for ages. Wondered what was goin on.
apparently some lad got glassed
I was working in Safeway, and a mate who worked at the pub next door got sent over to buy a couple of things, saw me and said "have you heard?...
Ive got flights booked to Lanzarote in Feb with Jet2. Hope they survive the next 6 months. Paid with debit card so buggered if they dont....
Its a toughie. Dont think i can do both either. But i think the Cosmic v Digital argument is swaying it in Holdens favour atm.
I went about 18 months ago. Think we stayed in Trastevere, which was decent. Much less touristy (and cheaper) but still walkable. Its on the...
Absolutely incredible. Cant wait to see him in the 200 now.
Dave Seaman - GU16 Cape Town Havent enjoyed any other mixes as much as the two on that CD.
I feel jipped though, just noticed its actually only got 7.30 gb.
Cheers for the suggestions. Ended up buying a Sony NWA 8gb yesterday. £40 less than a Nano and it plays M4A files too.
Ipods / MP3s Right, i know naff all about these, but im going on holiday on Tuesday and want to get one before i go. Dont really wannna spend...
phenomenal :up: great music, and really really busy
Me and Brid just got tickets today. Should be good. :D
One of the most ridiculous comments ive read on this board! :lol: :lol:
Separate names with a comma.